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How Does Directional Drilling Work?

April 30, 2021

Directional drilling is a drilling technique that is used by many industries such as gas and oil, construction, mining and agriculture.

It is often used as a method to install or access underground pipelines, cables and manage other kinds of infrastructure through a specific technique that can easily drill around obstacles.

This kind of drilling is a more environmentally advantageous approach than other procedures such as cut and cover pipeline installations.

As a popular method used by many companies, read on to find out more about how exactly directional drilling works.

The Directional Drilling Process

Directional drilling is conducted through extremely accurate control systems and technology sensors to ensure a precise job is performed and minimal damage (if any at all) is caused.

Generally, directional drilling is a three-step process:

  1. A small diameter pilot hole is hollowed out which is used to form a directional path between two surface points.
  2. The pilot hole is then enlarged to create a size that will suit the pipeline being installed or accessed. A pilot rod will be used, going in one opening and out of the other using augers and casings.
  3. Finally, the new pipe will be inserted into the hole created by the directional drilling machine, forming a pipe segment that is exposed at only those two opening points.

If the jacking pipe ends up being larger than the casings and auger initially placed in the ground opening, then a hydraulic reamer may need to be introduced to help manage the bigger pipe. This directional drilling process is suitable for a range of soil types including silt, sand, clay and rock.

Guided Auger Boring

This system is used in directional drilling machinery, situated in the driveshaft. It assists with steering the drilling head.

This can often be teamed with a theodolite camera which is a reading system that measures angles and vertical and horizontal planes to ensure precise movement.

Extended Reach Drilling

Directional drilling can drastically increase the yield of a downhole. That is partly what makes it such a popular technique for many companies.

Due to the technological enhancements made to directional drilling over the past century, such as its ability to move at complex angles and turn in certain ways, this means that drilling can be carried out in a variety of locations without worry of unwanted destruction.

Directional drilling machinery can also cover several miles underground, allowing engineers to access the points they are aiming for more easily.

Use the Directional Drilling Professionals at A1 Digging Solutions!

As directional drilling is such a meticulous drilling method that offers quick and safe results time and time again, it is an extremely popular technique.

If you require directional drilling for a site, A1 Digging Solutions can offer you a highly professional job.

As we complete the job quickly, with an already fast method, you can expect speedy results and a project at a lower price.

Contact us today for directional drilling in Queensland.

If you're trying to understand the benefits of horizontal drilling, read our previous blog!

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